
This page contains all the necessary information regarding the general section of the Website chatbot settings.

The General Section of the Website Chatbot Settings allows users to customize various aspects of their chatbot's behaviour, appearance, and functionality. Below is a detailed overview of the available fields and options in this section:

1. Live Chat Request Message

  • Description: Customize the message that appears on the chat window immediately after a bot user sends a request for Live Chat.

  • Usage: Enter the desired text in the provided input box to make the message more personalized and engaging.

2. Unavailable Agent Message

  • Description: Customize the message that appears on the chat window when none of your agents are available for Live Chat with the bot user.

  • Usage: Enter the desired text in the provided input box.

3. Live Chat Request Message Title

  • Description: Customize the title that appears on the chat window immediately after a bot user sends a request for Live Chat.

  • Usage: Enter the desired title text in the provided input box.

4. Bot Language

  • Description: Select the bot's language from the dropdown menu.

  • Usage: Choose the desired language to match your audience's preferences.

5. Bot Time-Zone

  • Description: Select the time-zone for your bot.

  • Usage: Use the dropdown menu to configure the time-zone settings.

6. Unavailable Agent Message Title

  • Description: Customize the title that appears on the chat window when none of your agents are available for Live Chat with the bot user.

  • Usage: Enter the desired title text in the provided input box.

7. Chat Retention

  • Description: Select whether you wish to retain bot user’s chats forever on the chat window or only for a browser session.

  • Usage: Choose the preferred option from the dropdown menu.

8. Notification Sounds

  • Options:

    1. Notification Sound for Chatbot Icon: Select the sound to play when the chatbot icon is interacted with.

    2. Notification Sound for Bot Messages on Platform: Choose the sound for bot messages displayed within the chat window.

    3. Notification Sound for Bot Messages: Select the sound for bot messages displayed on external platforms.

    4. Sound for Chatbot Icon Appearance: Choose the sound to play when the chatbot icon first appears on the webpage.

  • Usage: Use the provided dropdown menus to select your preferred notification sounds.

9. Remove Brand Name

  • Description: A toggle button that removes the BotPenguin brand name from the chat window.

  • Condition: Available only if you have purchased the White-label plan or add-on.

  • Usage: Enable the toggle button to remove branding.

10. Activate/Deactivate Bot

  • Description: A toggle button to activate or deactivate the bot.

  • Usage: Use the toggle button to enable or disable the bot as needed.

11. Email Notifications for Unfinished Conversations

  • Description: A toggle button to send email notifications even when the bot user hasn't finished the conversation.

  • Usage: Enable the toggle button to receive such notifications.

12. Clear Cache

  • Description: A button to clear the cache when you edit the bot chat flow or settings. Changes will reflect only after 15 minutes.

  • Usage: Click the button to clear the cache and ensure updated settings are applied.

13. Save Changes

  • Description: After making the desired changes in the General section, click this button to save all updates.

  • Usage: Ensure all changes are finalized and reflected in the chatbot's behavior.

By using these settings, you can optimize your chatbot's performance, user experience, and alignment with your branding requirements.

Last updated

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