Integrate Botpenguin with Zapier
This page contains the step wise tutorial for the integration of Zoho CRM with BotPenguin.
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This page contains the step wise tutorial for the integration of Zoho CRM with BotPenguin.
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Zapier is an automation tool which helps making a connecting between apps. You can set BotPenguin and apps in zapier as triggers and actions.
Log in to your BotPenguin account and select a bot you wish to integrate with Zapier.
Go to the "Third-Party App Integrations" section.
Search for "Zapier" in the available integrations list. And click on connect.
Then go to Zapier website.
Here you can see all the supported Triggers and Actions that are available to be used with Botpenguin.
Then click on "My Zaps" on the top right corner.
Click on "+ Create" button to use the supported triggers and actions.
Select "New Zap".
You will land up on canvas where you can set triggers and their actions.
Click on "Trigger" to select your trigger app.
Select BotPenguin from the list as trigger.
Then select a trigger event from the list of available events.
After that click on "Sign In" to connect botpenguin.
When you click on sign in, a pop will be opened to give zapier access to your botpenguin account.
Select the platform / bot channel for which you want to use zapier
Then enter the API Key which is available in Developers section inside Access Token in Botpenguin. (Click on Generate to get API key if not visible)
Then enter the Bot Id, you can click on "Connect" in Zapier Integration Page to get Bot Id for the same.
And click "Yes Continue with Botpenguin".
Then select an Action Event app (here we have selected google sheets).
Then select an Action Event which is available for the same.
Also test your Tigger event.
And click on "Continue".
Then configure your Action Event.
As we have selected Google Sheets here, we have to configure accordingly.
Select the Google Drive where you want to store the changes in.
Select the Spreadsheet in which you want to add.
Select the Sheet in which you want to add.
Can also specify the rows for the same.
Then click on "Test Step" or you can also skip test if you want.
Then finally click on "Publish" to save all the changes and implement the triggers and actions.
Your Zapier integration is live and ready to work.
If everything is correct and you are still unable to move forward, write to us at We will respond back within 48 business hours.