Meta System User Token

This page contains the information on how can you create the system user token for your Meta App.

This document will guide you through the step-by-step process for creating the access token.

Step 1: Access the Meta Business Suite

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the Meta Business Suite.

  2. Log in to your Meta Business Suite account using your credentials.

Step 2: Locate and Access Business Settings

  1. In the Meta Business Suite, find the top-left dropdown menu that displays your business account name.

  2. Click on the Settings (gear) icon next to your business account name.

Step 3: Navigate to Business Settings

  1. After clicking the Settings (gear) icon, a dropdown menu will appear.

  2. Click on "Business settings" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Create a system user

  1. Navigate to System Users "Users" in the sidebar.

  2. Click on "System Users" and click "Add" to add a new user

    Add new system User
  3. Accept the policy to start adding user

    Accept Policy
  4. Once the "Create system user" pop-up opens, Give a name (E.g. BP-WhatsApp) and keep the user role as "Admin"

    Create system user
  5. Once the system user is added, Click on the "Generate new token"

    Generate new token
  6. Once the "Generate Token" pop-up opens up,

    1. Select the App that you created earlier.

    2. Choose Token expiration as "Never"

    3. Assign following permissions

      • whatsapp_business_messaging

      • public_profile

      • email

      • whatsapp_business_management

      • catalog_management

      • pages_manage_metadata

      • pages_messaging

      • Business Asset User Profile Access

      • pages_user_locale

      • pages_user_timezone

      • pages_user_gender

      • pages_read_engagement

      • business_management

      • pages_show_list

      Assignment of permission to access token
    4. Skip the permission if you do not find the same in the list.

    5. Click "Generate Token"

  7. Copy the token and save it safely. This is your System User Token which will be used to create the Bot.

Last updated