Bot templates

This page contains all the necessary information on you can use the Bot templates section in detail.


The "Bot Templates" section in the Partner Panel allows you to provide pre-built chat flow templates to your customers. When you add templates here, they will appear under the "Pre-Built Chatbot Templates" section in all your customers' panels. This guide explains how to set up and manage these templates.


  1. Customer Account: You will need a customer account for your agency. This account will host the bots and flows required for creating templates.

  1. Bots and Flows: Templates are based on chat flows created under specific bots. You must create bots and flows for the platforms and use cases you want to offer templates for.

Steps to Configure Pre-Built Bot Templates

Step 1: Create a Customer Account

  1. Navigate to your agency's dashboard.

  2. Manually create a customer account that will be used to create the templates.

  3. Assign a plan to this account that allows you to:

    • Create multiple bots.

    • Access required functionalities for making flows.

Step 2: Set Up Bots and Flows

  1. Create Bots:

    • For each platform (e.g., Website, Messenger), create a bot under the customer account.

    • Example: Create a bot named "Website Bot."

  1. Create Flows:

  • Refer to the documentation on How to Create a Flow for detailed instructions.

  • For each bot, create multiple flows for different categories or use cases.

  • Example: Under "Website Bot," create flows like "Restaurant Booking" or "Customer Feedback."

Step 3: Add a New Template

  1. Go to your Partner Panel.

  2. Navigate to the Configuration section and locate the Bot Templates subsection.

  3. Click on the Create Template button.

  4. Fill in the required fields:

    • Template Name: Provide a name (e.g., "Restaurant Booking Template").

    • Select Customer: Choose the customer account you created earlier.

    • Platform: Select the platform (e.g., Website, Messenger).

    • Bot: Select the bot created under the customer account.

    • Flow: Choose the specific flow to associate with the template.

    • Category: Select an appropriate category from the dropdown.

    • Tags: Add relevant tags to improve searchability.

    • Description: Provide a brief description of the template.

    • Custom Key Features: Highlight unique features of the template.

    • Upload Thumbnail: Upload an image to represent the template visually.

  5. Click on Create Template.

Step 4: Manage Templates

  1. View the template list under the Bot Templates subsection.

  2. The list displays:

    • Template Name

    • Associated Platform

    • Tags

    • Visibility Status

  3. Toggle Visibility:

    • When enabled, the template becomes visible to all customers in the "Pre-Built Chatbot Templates" section.

  4. Action Buttons:

    • Edit: Modify template details.

    • Delete: Remove the template.

Additional Notes

  • Platform-Specific Templates: You can create templates for all platforms or focus on specific ones based on your offerings.

  • Visibility Management: Ensure templates are toggled ON only when ready for customer use.

  • Customization: Use descriptions, categories, and tags effectively to make templates appealing and easy to find.

By following this guide, you can seamlessly provide pre-built chatbot templates to your customers, enhancing their experience and streamlining chatbot deployment.

Last updated

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